Community Reinvestment
Greater Regional Health prioritizes health not only in our hospital and clinics but also within the communities we serve. A healthy community is one in which all residents have access to a quality education, safe and healthy homes, adequate employment, transportation, physical activity, and nutrition, in addition to quality health care. Greater Regional reinvests in projects to promote an overall healthy community. Click here to view GRH's economic impact for 2021.
How Greater Regional Gets Involved
Greater Regional Health seeks feedback from staff on which potential community reinvestment initiative would benefit the community. The growth GRH has achieved over the last 5 years has made it possible for community reinvestment initiatives to be supported by our organization.
Our Community Reinvestment Projects
GRH is a county hospital governed by Iowa Code Chapter 347, its board bylaws, and hospital policies and procedures. Greater Regional Health has not raised taxes in 20 years and WILL NOT raise taxes to support community reinvestment projects. Greater Regional Health will support and endeavor initiatives if it is financially suitable to do so. Projects will depend on the financial status each fiscal year. View our projects below.